Fuck you, Google

Please read this first!

Nicolas Cage

By loading this page, you will be given the music frame on top with my playlist in it. The playlist might not work. To get unstuck from the music player frame, use your browser's back button. Perhaps I will re-make the list in YT, but for now I simply suggest the album Texture by Battle Tapes.

Recently, Youtube has broken a lot of things that connect to it. Like freetube and the music player I use for this site. This music player used to be on index.html. I'm moving it after it stopped working for me most of the time.

Hopefully it's not broken forever. If youtube decides it wants to work properly, it will play songs until you close the playing tab. My site should open external links in new tabs. If the music frame follows you to another site, that's not supposed to happen. Feel free to let me know I missed one.

my spot ify:
zofia j frisbee
(no spaces)