the website about the website
This website was made from a generator and hand coded/edited with help from various sources which I've done by best to compile here. It's made with Firefox, Sublime and Linux Mint.
I also make & view the site running Dark Reader converting all webpages to dark mode. The site generator's default colors continue to serve as "light mode". Sometime I might set up alternate css stylesheets to switch dark & light without the extension.
alpha.html: links and scrappy contents used as "alpha version." in addition to various template pages for me to fuck around and find out with.
fediverse project: reviews of various fedi platforms and instances.
site blog: various updates and notes, mostly from index & alpha, additional observations, plus sidebar of more collected bits.
music: a playlist for the site, Youtube decided to break it. hopefully a temporary bug, so you can attempt to play it here.