Baldur's Gate 3
Tempest Cleric of Selune
Beloved of Lae'Zel
Until cursed for praying directly to Shar at the Gauntlet, Emiri often prayed for the divine sisters to reconcile and fervently believed both clerics had been blessed by their patron deities in this pursuit.
oathbreaker paladin
shield + blade + ice sorcerer
likes animals
Dragon Age
Warden: Emelyn "Amell"
with Alistair and Morrigan
Veilguard character creator
Rook: Sadavir Mercar
Act 1 in Docktown
loved Lace Harding
crow, dagger and orb
favorite outfit
🚨 D&D and pathfinder OCs dump~
todo: revamp this section to display different characters somehow?? sort by system? write new bios? idk!
Kunigunda: Halfling Rogue, Shadow Assassin, Destined Scion, Lawful Neutral, Pelor, Sect of Bronze
- [lvl 30 character sheet](
- [Dirty Deeds... Done Dirt Cheap: The Rogue's Handbook](
- [The Most Annoying Rogue Ever - Optimized Halfling Rogue](
Crugold, Son of Kordak
Once upon a time, Crugold was a barbarian, but not a very good one. After suffering a concussion as a result of a lost brawl, it occurred to Crugold that attacking his enemies from range was a smarter strategy, so he vowed to never pick up a club again and trained in crossbows instead. For this shrewd decision he came to be known as Crugold the Wise.
Kordak, son of Tohl
- Goliath Warlord, Battle Captain - Good - Melora
- [lvl 18 @](
- A Lazy, Lazy Clever Commander: 404 in the dyadesigns [From the Ashes]( archive of 4e character builds, unfortunately.
Arasari- monk, favored soul, DDO